Жарияланды: 19.09.2023


On September 18, the museum staff held a lecture “Kazakh heritage – Sultan Beybarys” for students of the 7th grade of OSH named after B. Mailin, dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of the great son of the Deshti-Kipchak steppe, the founder of the Mamluk state Sultan Beybarys.

The purpose of this event is to tell about the life path of a glorious personality from the Desht-Kipchak steppe, to give a comprehensive idea of a prominent ruler, statesman, commander;

During the event, in order to increase interest in the historical personality, to imitate the feat, courage, perseverance, dedication, the life of Sultan Beybarys, the abilities of the command were told, books, films, historical buildings dedicated to the sultan from the Kipchak steppes were presented. The children watched the film “Sultan Beybarys”. A thematic exhibition was designed, which was reviewed.

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