About the region

Beimbet Mailin is located in the west of the region. The area is bordered in the northern part by Chelyabinsk Region Russian Federation, Fe Dorian and Kostanay districts, in the eastern part with Auliyekolsky district, in the southern part with Kamystinsky district, in the western part with Denisovsky district. The total area of the district is 7.6 thousand km². The length of the region from north to south is 115 km in the widest part, and from west to east 77 km, and in the narrowest part up to 50 km.

There are 3 natural areas on the territory of the Beimbet Mailina region:

  1. Southern Tobolsk arid-steppe, lacustrine-plain region.
  2. Tobolsko-Prikushmurunskaya dry steppe, basin-flat region.
  3. River Valley Region Tobol and Ayat.

Southern Pritobol lake-plain region is located along both banks of the Tobol River and is an area of steppe plains West Siberian Lowland. A characteristic feature of the area is the weak drainage of its flat surface, dotted with a large number of depressions and small lake basins, usually included in vast, slightly incised depressions. The depressions are often separated by elongated, somewhat sandy, low rows and mounds, which vary in relief and size. Their gentle slopes gradually pass into the surface of the adjacent plains. The lakes are more versatile in the west of the region. There are a lot of overgrown, dry and semi-dry lakes.

The Tobolsko-Prikushmurun basin-plain region is located on the Cis-Turgai plain. It is characterized by strong sandiness of the loose continental deposits that make up its surface and is a slightly undulating plain, most elevated in the western part, where the absolute heights of the area reach 230–240 m, in the east – 205–215 m.

Tobol and Ayat river valleys are natural drains in relation to adjacent watershed slopes. The region as a whole is divided into two large natural regions – the valley of the river. Tobol and slopes of the watershed adjacent to the Tobol valley. The Tobol slope region is the slopes of the valleys of the Tobol and Ayat rivers dissected by logs and gullies. There are few ravines with burnt walls and they are shallow. The general character of the relief of the slopes is ridged. The ridge system descends in narrow steps down the slope of the terrain to the rivers.

Для района Беймбета Майлина характерен резко-выраженный континентальный климат. Континентальность климата района объясняется тем, что он находится в глубине материка, вдали от морей и океанов. В силу такого географического положения, вследствие большой однородности поверхности и отсутствия чередования суши со значительными водными пространствами на территории области, сильно развиты процессы трансформации воздушных масс, особенно в период зимы.

В этот период из районов Прибайкалья, Алтая и Монголии в районы Казахстана проникает ветвь холодного воздушного течения под названием Центрально-Казахстанской оси (ось Войкова). Влияние этой оси на формирование климата очень велико. Она устанавливает ясную и морозную погоду с преобладанием движения воздушных масс юго-западного и южного направления. Ветер в Тарановском районе: весной — юго-западный, осенью — южный, зимой — юго-западный, летом — северный.

Winter is long, starts from the end of October and ends at the end of April, severe, without thaws, with relatively deep snow cover from 20 to 40 centimeters. The average January temperature is -17.3 °C. The deviation of winter temperatures from the norm reaches 8…10 °C. Minimum temperatures are often released to -40 … -45 ° C. An essential feature of winter is the winds often turning into blizzards. Blizzards last for several days, bringing with them warming and snowfalls, then a sharp cold snap sets in with the manifestation and weakening of the wind. This alternation is observed throughout the winter. Snowstorms reach their maximum development in December-February.

With a relatively rare invasion of warm and humid air masses from Central Asia in the region in November, January, February, March (in different months of winter s) exceptionally warm weather sets in for several days with precipitation in the form of drizzle, rain and sleet with an average daily temperature of 0 °C to 2 °C warm.

The hydrographic network of the region is represented by the Tobol, Ayat rivers, as well as many temporary drains that carry their melt waters to drainless lakes located in low spaces.

The Tobol River springs from the eastern spurs South Ural and flows into the river Irtysh. Within the district, it flows through the central part of the land use, from the southwest to the northeast. The total length of the river within the region is 54 km.

The Ayat River flows along the northwestern border of the district, its total length within the district is 55.5 km. The river originates outside the district and is a tributary of the Tobol River.

Эти реки в связи с сухостью климата имеют большое значение как источники орошения. В 1958 году в районе слияния рек Тобол и Аят, близ города Рудного было создано крупное водохранилище.

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