Museum history

Creation History

KSU “Historical Museum named after B. Mailin” of the Department of Culture of the Akimat of Kostanay region

The municipal state institution “B. Mailin Local History Museum” was established by order of the regional department of culture No. 190 “on the opening of the B. Mailin Taranovskiy Local History Museum” dated December 26, 1990.

The construction of the museum began in 1987. Its initiator is our countryman, veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Ivanovich Dyachkov. In those years, he headed the Rudny City Museum. Ivan Ivanovich asked the district leadership to create a museum in order to preserve rich and interesting material about the history of the region and to glorify the names of fellow countrymen whose life and work is directly related to their small Motherland on a new level.

Solovieva T.I. made a great contribution to the creation of the museum. – the first director of the museum, Steshin N.V. – First Secretary of the District Party Committee, Nurakhmetov T.E. – Secretary of the District Party Committee, Milshin V.M. – Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the District Council, Nurzhanova G.A. – Head of the district department of culture, as well as state farms and organizations of the district.

The museum received its first visitors on May 18, 1991, Tamara Ivanovna Solovieva was appointed its director, and the creative team was represented by Dyakova L.V., Zhandyrov Zh.S., Sulkeeva B.A., Wirtz V.P. Separately, it is worth mentioning the graphic designers Isetov D.Zh. and Rudneva V.N., who also made a huge contribution to the internment of the institution.

Huge assistance in the design of the museum’s expositions was provided by employees of the city Rudny, regional historical and local history, Lisakov museums, the regional archive, residents and schoolchildren of the district assisted in collecting museum items.

Over the period of the institution’s activity, more than eight thousand items of storage have been collected. The largest is the archaeological collection, which includes nine thousand items from the Stone Age.

At present, a new staff of the museum is working: Rudik S.A. – head of the institution, Maltseva Sh.K. – chief accountant, Ergazieva A.S. – keeper of the fund, Lukash V.A. – methodologist, Askarova A.B – tour guide, Graf E.V. – junior research fellow. Each of the employees is responsible for their field of activity, while participating in the collective work of the museum, if possible. The creative staff basically conducts research, mass, collective and exhibition work. It reveals documents about the life and work of great and eminent countrymen, natives of the region, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, virgin lands, poets, artists, Afghan soldiers and many other famous personalities of the region.

Contact details:

KSU “Museum of History and Local Lore named after B. Mailin” of the Department of Culture of the Akimat of Kostanay region

Head: Rudik Svetlana Alekseevna

Address: Kostanay region, Beimbeta Mailina district, village. Ayet, st. Tauelsizdik, 62.

Phone: 8 (71436) 3-61-21







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