Жарияланды: 10.11.2023


On November 10, to mark the 150th anniversary of A. Imanov, museum staff organized a photo-documentary exhibition “Defender of People’s Freedom.”The exhibition presents photographs and archival documents, pages from a genealogy book, a page from a diary, photographs of the house in Turgai where the military registration and enlistment office and A. Imanov’s apartment were located, the madrasah where he studied and the first poster of the film “Amangeldy”.Amangeldy Imanov was born on April 3, 1873 on the territory of the modern (renamed in his honor) Amangeldy district of the Kostanay region. Revolutionary, military leader – organizer of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people against tsarism. He was an active participant in the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan.Imanov was buried on Alakol in 1940, and reburied in the Amangeldinsky regional center. A monument was erected at the grave. In 1938, the film “Amangeldy” was shot by director M. Levin. In 1947, a bronze monument to the batyr was erected in Almaty – an equestrian statue. A district in the Kostanay region was named after him, monuments were erected and streets were named in many cities of Kazakhstan.


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