Жарияланды: 29.08.2024


On the eve of the celebration of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 29 this year, the local history museum named after B. Mailin organized an hour of integrity on the theme “Constitution Kemel Keleshektin Kepili”.

The constitution is the basic law of the state, expressing the will and interests of the people as a whole or individual social strata of society and fixing in their interests the most important principles of the social system and state organization of the country concerned.

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted at a national referendum on May 30, 1995 (with subsequent amendments and additions from 1998 and 2007, also the last changes were in 2022) – as the main law of the country reflects the will of the people of Kazakhstan, their desire to establish the country “as democratic are man, his life, rights and freedoms.

Today, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a powerful factor in the consolidation of society on the path of modernization, strengthening democratic institutions, improving the welfare of citizens and joining the top 30 developed countries of the world.

The celebration of the Constitution Day is a civilized educational activity aimed at creating and disseminating constitutional values ​​among citizens, especially young people.


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