Жарияланды: 11.09.2024


On September11 of thisyear, the museum stafforganized a museumlessonon the theme”Hero of Labor”for8thgradestudents of theBeimbetMailinsecondaryschooldedicatedto the 90thanniversary of the birth of SidorovaV.V. The purpose of thisevent is to familiarizestudentswith the lifeandmerits of the Hero of SocialistLabor.

InAugust2024, VeraVasilyevnaSidorovaturned90years old.Oncehernamethunderedthroughout the country–Hero of SocialistLabor,holder of twoOrders of Leninandthree Orders of the RedBanner of Labor,deputy of the SupremeCouncil,DeputyChairman of the Presidium of the SupremeSoviet of the KazakhSSR,member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan,delegate of the XXIVPartyCongress,VeraVasilyevna was trulyalegendaryfigure.

She graduated from the Kazan Agricultural Institute in 1958. Agronomist of the department, agronomist-economist from 1958 to 1959 at the Dzhambulsky state farm in the Karasu district, instructor of the district party committee, I secretary of the Komsomol of the Karasu district Komsomol from 1959 to 1961, II and I secretary of the Kostanay regional Komsomol committee 1961-1964, instructor of the regional party committee from 1964 to 1965. Secretary, I-th secretary of the Taranovsky, Kustanaysky district party committees from 1965 to 1975. Currently, he is a pensioner of union significance.

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