Жарияланды: 05.09.2024


Every year on September 5, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Languages. The Day of Languages is a holiday that symbolizes respect for the culture and languages of representatives of all ethnic groups living in our country. This day reminds us of the importance of preserving peace, harmony and unity of our people. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the state language in Kazakhstan is Kazakh, Russian has the status of an official language. But at the same time nobody forbids to speak freely in other languages. It is written in the Constitution: “The state cares about creation of conditions for studying and development of languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan”. This gives confidence that young people can safely study the language of their ethnic homeland.

On September 5 of the current year, the staff of the Beimbet Mailin Museum of History and Local Lore for the students of the school named after Sapar Yergaliyev and the school named after Beimbet Mailin held an intellectual and informative program “In the unity of language – the strength of the people”. During the event the children became active participants, for them was held a game “Dominoes” flags of different nations. Also participants of the event were offered to remember the proverbs and sayings of different nations and pronounce in different languages, translated words from Kazakh to Russian and English, guessed riddles in which the word rhymes.

Such events aimed at fostering respect for languages, the desire for culture of speech, very unite the multinational people of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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