Жарияланды: 18.07.2024


On July 17, the museum staff held an ecological hour “Let’s save nature together” in honor of the environmental campaign “Taza Kazakhstan”, with the aim of forming an ecological culture of children, strengthening practical participation in the environmental education of the younger generation. The children were shown a presentation about the environmental problems of the region and the country that arise due to human fault, why separate garbage collection is needed, and what energy efficiency is. During the event, the children got acquainted with the environmental rules aimed at forming an ecological culture, and the factors that negatively affect the environment were also named. The guys learned that the amount of garbage on the planet is growing every year. Unfortunately, in our country, most of the garbage is either burned or simply stored in landfills, but both of these methods damage the ecology of the regions. At the same time, separate collection technologies have long existed that allow 100% of garbage to be recycled. In a playful way, the students found out how to properly handle waste and how to act to reduce the garbage footprint in everyday life.

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