08.09.2024 07:14

Жарияланды: 05.09.2023


“Language is an outstanding achievement of the people and its integral and inseparable feature. The development of the language is entirely connected with the development of national culture, and in this regard, the language fulfills its social function.”

Languages Day is celebrated annually in Kazakhstan on September 5. This is a common holiday of all the people of Kazakhstan. The multinational festival of languages is based on the following idea: every language is a part of the spiritual heritage of all mankind, and every culture is an invaluable contribution to world civilization.

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh is the state language in Kazakhstan, Russian has the status of an official one. But at the same time, no one forbids speaking other languages fluently. The Constitution says so: “The state takes care of creating conditions for the study and development of the languages of the people of Kazakhstan.” This gives confidence that young people can safely learn the language of their ethnic homeland.

A welcoming speech was made by a museum specialist who told the audience about the significance of this holiday, since representatives of more than 130 nations and nationalities live in Kazakhstan. Each language has its own history, its own destiny connected with the destinies of other languages. Through language, people find each other and learn to understand the spiritual culture, customs and traditions of peoples. Knowledge of languages is as necessary as air and water. The participants told about what languages they know and what languages they speak in their families.

During the event, the guests became active participants, games of different nationalities of our state were held for them. Also, the participants of the event were asked to remember proverbs and sayings of different peoples and pronounce in different languages, translated words from Kazakh into Russian and English, guessed riddles in which the word rhymes, as well as an interesting musical game “Guess the language of the song”.

At the end of the event, the guests noted that learning languages requires a serious and responsible attitude.

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