Жарияланды: 20.09.2024


On September 20, 2024, an event was held within the walls of the B. Mailin Museum of Local Lore aimed at improving legal literacy among the population and providing advice to citizens on legal issues. As a representative of lawyers, the meeting was attended by the chairman of the district court of the Betimbet district, Mailina Sergazin Serik Boranbaevich, who delivered a lecture covering key aspects of legal knowledge. Topical issues of legislation, citizensrights and their protection were discussed at the event. Serik Boranbaevich emphasized the importance of legal awareness for every person, giving examples from practice and emphasizing how knowledge of one’s rights can help in difficult situations. The participants had the opportunity to ask questions, discuss specific cases and receive recommendations for further study of the legal framework. At the end of the meeting, an exchange of views was organized, where the participants shared their impressions and discussed what topics they would like to touch on at the next events. Such an event contributed to the formation of a legal culture and increased interest in legal issues among the local population.

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