Жарияланды: 14.03.2025


“This year the celebration begins on March 14 to March 23, this period is called “”Nauryz””.” First day in the year of celebration of Nauryz meiramy is celebrated”day of seeing – Amal holiday”. This is the day of privations, thermal meetings and good news.
This holiday is filled with warmth and peace. 14 Martha izdrevle met with the Kazakhs at the beginning of the new year. Traditionally, this is the time of arrival and arrival of the state, blizkih rodstvennikov, sosedei, oldishin rod with the possibility of exegesisI don’t know,” he said. In particular, this significant event on March 14, a thematic excursion was organized for Kazpost partners and members of the District Council of Veterans.
Participants of the event were visited with the history of the region, cultural traditions of the Kazakh people, as well as with the lives left in the region. The parties have been able to get into the atmosphere of the past, as well as enjoy the traditional national economy. The tour was accompanied by all the emotions, the desire to share and love of society, the beginning of the spring celebration of Nauryz.

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