Опубликовано: 29.09.2021


Beimbet Maylin was born in 1894 in the Dambar parish of the Kustanay district of the Turgay region in the Aktobe tract (now the village named after Beimbet Maylin of the Beimbet Maylin district of the Kostanay region).

As a child, Beimbet lost his parents and grew up with his grandmother Boyd. A hardworking, sharp-tongued woman knew a lot of poems, put them together herself and passed on her love for poetry to her grandson. Her cherished dream was, despite her poverty, to educate the boy. His grandmother fulfilled her dream. Beimbet studied first at a madrasa, then at the Uazifa school in Troitsk, and later a passionate desire to continue his studies led Maylin to Ufa at the Galiya madrasa, which was considered a higher educational institution for the servants of Islam. Due to his failing health and lack of funds to continue his studies, Beimbet left the madrasah and went to Troitsk for treatment. During his studies, he met with the leading representatives of Tatar and Bashkir literature Galimzhan Ibragimov, Mazhit Gafuri, Saifi Kudash. And in Troitsk, fate brought Maylin together with the editor of the magazine «Aikap». The meeting with professional writers-Mukhamedzhan Seralin and the journalist, poet Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov, further strengthened Beimbet’s attraction to literary studies.

But in the depths of his soul, he hid another great desire. At that time, teaching children was a duty and a matter of honor for the young Kazakh intelligentsia. And after returning to his native village, Beimbet Maylin became a teacher, realizing the long-standing dream of a young farmhand. And Beimbet devoted all his free time to creativity. Beimbet Maylin also has poems written for children. You can read together with children, such poems and fairy tales as, «The Prize for lying», «Aldi», «Give me your hand, Myrkumbai».

And in 1938, the life of Beimbet Maylin, full of literary ideas, selfless work, was cut short on a creative take-off: first, the arrest on charges of counter-revolutionary, bourgeois-nationalist, insurgent-terrorist activities, torture during interrogations, and then the ruling of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR of February 26, which sentenced Beimbet Maylin to execution with immediate execution of the sentence. Only in 1957, by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR of April 16, Beimbet Maylin was rehabilitated, the sentence was canceled and the case was dismissed for lack of corpus delicti. The name of the writer, his work returned to the people. The Kazakh folk saying «Ai-ortak, kun-ortak, zhaksy-ortak «says that» the moon, the sun and a beautiful person belong to everyone». A wonderful writer, a man of great soul, Beimbet Maylin belongs to the people forever.

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