Жарияланды: 18.06.2024


Thisyear, the firstEid al-AdhadayinKazakhstanfellonJune16. The date of the holiday is calculatedaccording to the lunarcalendarandthereforeshiftseveryyear.Eid al-Adhais a sacredMuslimholiday.Onthisday, it is customary to perform the rite of sacrificeandperformgooddeeds.Themainimam of the districtmosqueandculturalworkerstook part in the eventdedicatedto the holiday. The word”Kurban”means”proximity”,”approach”.

Therefore, by sacrificing for the sake of Allah,everyMuslimapproachestheCreatorandhas the opportunity to receiveforgiveness of hissins. The history of the mainholiday of Islamgoesbacktoancient times.KurbanAit,alsoknownasEidal-Adha,isoneof the twomainMuslimholidays. The history of the holyholiday is associatedwith the ProphetIbrahimand is describedin the Quran.One day, in a dream, an angelcameto the prophet,sayingthatby the will of Allah, Ibrahimshouldsacrifice his ownson.

The Prophet obeyed the order of the Almighty and was about to stab the child with a knife when the Almighty made sure that the weapon did not harm the innocent boy. It turned out that Allah decided to test Ibrahim’s faith in this way. As a reward for passing the test, the Almighty revealed to the prophet a ram, which he sacrificed instead of his son. Since then, Muslims around the world have been celebrating this event by sacrificing livestock. On the eve of Eid al-Adha, believers observe a one-day fast – Arafat Day. The celebration of Eid al-Adha begins early in the morning. The festive prayer of Ait Namaz is performed in the mosque. After that, they listen to the imam’s sermon, which explains the meaning and origin of the sacrificial rite.

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